The Royal King Pigeon

Portland Yoga Photography

What many people don’t know, is that I taught yoga for over two years. I loved (and still love!) how beautiful yoga is. Strip off the meditation, the health benefits, etc., and what you are left with is the most gorgeous lines the human body can produce. As someone who loves photographing lines and structures, you can imagine how thrilled I was to do a yoga photography shoot with yogi Terra!

I’ll post more photos from our shoot later, but I wanted to kick everyone’s weekend off with this very beautiful, very Zen-like pose of Terra in Eka Pada Rajakapotasana–say that three times fast!–the One-Legged King Pigeon Pose. Terra’s execution is gorgeous and has the movement of a dancer.

Okay, now I’m inspired! Time to shake the dust off my yoga mat…

Portland Oregon Yoga Photography | Acorn Studios

Acorn Studios | Portland’s Yoga Photography Studio

See more of our recent work on Facebook!
