Callae | Modeling Headshots

This month Callae Lowe stopped by the studio for some new modeling headshots. Callae recently signed with Sports + Lifestyle Unlimited and wanted to add some professional images her portfolio.

Callae is both a fitness and lifestyle model. Her bubbly personality makes her a joy to work with. Her smile is contagious, and if you can catch her shy, slightly embarrased smile, it is the most adorable thing ever.

What I loved about photographing Callae is that her exotic look is fantastic for the camera! When she smiles she looks young and zestfully full of life. When she is serious, she looks about 25 and ready to conquer the world. Such a great range!

One of my favorite portraits really focuses on Callae’s face (it is the first image below). The photograph is all about her eyes. We made the hair big to fill the frame, and because the studio lighting was shut off, I shot this using the natural light that fills my Southeast Portland studio. I assure you it was quite unintentional, but the image reminds me a lot of Leona Lewis’ debut album cover.

I’ve also included another candid photo that is a favorite of mine. Callae was a trouper and went outside in 20 degree weather to do some fitness shots. Just as we got set up to shoot, a tractor trailer went by and showered us with a FREEZING wind chill. Callae took it in stride and was ever the professional. The image, however, is priceless!

Modeling headshots and portfolio images are so fun to shoot. We really get a chance to be creative and make an impact.

Portland Modeling Headshots | Acorn Studios
Portland modeling headshots | Acorn Studios
Portland Modeling Portfolio Images | Acorn Studios
Modeling Head Shots | Acorn Studios
Callae Lowe by Acorn Studios
Modeling Headshots by Acorn Studios
Professional Modeling Headshots by Acorn Studios


Acorn Studios | Professional Modeling Headshots and Portfolio Images

Modeling Headshots
